Hi, I’m Kelli !

A proud mom of two teenagers, celebrating a 24-year marriage, and to my surprise, now a Best Selling Author!

For over 25 years, I've been a fierce warrioress battling Multiple Sclerosis. Seriously, celebrating my 50th birthday was quite revealing. Not because of the age itself, but because I have been living with M.S. for half of my life.

After braving this autoimmune condition and feeling the nudge to share my story, the time has come. This book is a beacon for M.S. warriors, those grappling with autoimmune troubles, caregivers supporting a loved one's diagnosis, and anyone facing the daily challenges of illness.

My journey with Relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) began at the age of 25, plunging me into a whirlwind of shock, confusion, fear, and countless unanswered questions. The year 1997 marked the start of a new chapter filled with medication trials, needle pricks, and eventually, a decision to explore alternative paths to healing. With the support of gifted doctors, therapists, and holistic healers, I delved into research, embraced education, and transformed my life in ways beyond my wildest dreams.

More About Fabulous in Flats

Don't let this book slip through your fingers! It's a treasure trove of inspiration, wisdom, humor, and empowerment for those battling physical or emotional chronic conditions. In "Fabulous in Flats," I spill the beans on juggling life as a strong woman and a working mom while dealing with those pesky day-to-day hurdles. Stumble (literally) into a world packed with life-changing tips, alternative healers, out-of-the-box remedies, creative sparks, and a ton of support to tackle our well-being head-on.

My journey unfolds in these pages, sharing how I've tackled my own health battles, embraced a new way of living, and forged habits that have led me to thrive.


Listen as we reflect, share, laugh, and connect through engaging conversations.

How Essential Oils Work Wonders!

Essential oils are like tiny wellness wizards, ready to tackle stress, soothe aches, or simply whisk you away on a fragrant adventure that speaks to your soul.



Essential oils are magical helpers, applying gentle pain relief, melting away tension, and giving your body the refreshing boost it deserves!



Whether you're battling a stress demon or just need a sprinkle of happy vibes, a few drops of essential oils can be your fabulous mood lifter!



Let's dive into the zen zone with your beloved essential oils, wave goodbye to stress, and treat yourself to some well-deserved self-care. Your mental well-being deserves it!